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Ukraine - new provider of human organs

Ukraine - new provider of human organs

In Ukraine, aborting conflict with unruly East of the country, black transplantologists sell the bodies of the dead soldiers of the army of Ukraine is anonymous sources claim that circulated correspondence former lawyer Yulia Timoshenko Sergey Vlasenko and German doctor Olga Weber. The main suppliers of the goods referred to as the commanders of the national guard (army).
Allegedly donated organs are taken under the order of Western buyers. Moreover suspicions emerge. Back in the spring in the media appeared information about the kidnapping of people on the Maidan for sale bodies. Some figures of the scandal denied the information, and most of them did not reply. Among those named involved in this business, there are famous names such as battalion commander Donbass semen Semenchenko and the head of the SBU country Valentyn Nalyvaychenko. Details material of the correspondent of "Vesti FM" Nikolai Osipov. Correspondence, which is shocking in their cynicism; war is just business, death is a way to earn. The defendants in the scandal represented as ex-Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer Serhiy Vlasenko and a doctor from Germany Ukrainian origin Olga Weber. The reliability of the accounts is not installed, but the uncovered fragments of correspondence look convincing enough. The interlocutors even in winter discussed the details of this scheme - how to put Western customers donor organs. With the beginning of hostilities business went. Sergiy Vlasenko: "Olya, long ago on the link does not go! What have you got?" Olga Wieber: "Yes, all right, only the prices fall(( But continue to work". Orders will be made also by correspondence, just a list, and the authors uses the abbreviated names of the authorities in Latin. 8 of hearts, 28 kidneys, 13 units of liver, pancreas - 6 pan, and 2 lungs. If you move to a cynical style of this correspondence, the raw materials for customers fully convinced member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation, President of the center of social and political researches "Aspect" Georgiy Fedorov. "As for Ukraine, long ago, in the beginning of this operation in the medical community, political told that this is the beginning of the industrial sales bodies to the West in the Israeli clinics, American. Why Ukraine? Because when you go active hostilities, many wounded young people, how many dead and wounded, no one believes". Judging by the correspondence, the main problem is not the presence of donors - people in the South-East kill hundreds. The hardest imperceptibly to perform surgery to removal of organs. This requires the hired specialists to work with local dangerous - it is fraught with publicity. And salaried physicians are expensive. And in scandalous correspondence meanwhile the user under the nickname Olga Weber complains about the quality of the goods. Olga Wieber: "My people too late to get access to the material!!! clients are waiting here." Sergiy Vlasenko: "Yes I will wait to whom they still going? Where else can you find? And here shooting, mines are torn, as your people to deliver? Though yours, though my experts - to ensure the safety is very difficult, now. The material has to go out by yourself!" In response, the interlocutor offers to act in a more simple the old scheme - to be used as donors heavy and hopeless, that is to cut people taken to hospital, those which do not need to take off the field. But the contractor immediately recalls that it threatens to leak information - about allegedly warned the head of security service of Ukraine Valentyn Nalyvaychenko. Another person, which appears in the correspondence, is the commander of the battalion "Donbass" Semyon Semenchenko, however, he denied his involvement in the trafficking of organs. However, those who believe in the prosperity of this business in Ukraine remind that similar scandal surfaced last spring. It was on the Maidan. Eyewitnesses claimed that the Kyiv morgue was taken by the representatives of one of the hundreds of Maidan, anyone not allowed there, and, as suggested, were engaged in destruction of evidence, namely the burning of corpses with seized by the authorities. And immediately zaprashivat the Kosovo experience, where the facts trade with parts of human bodies were officially recognised as former Prosecutor of the International Tribunal Carla del Ponte. It caused a tremendous scandal, reminds member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation, President of the center of social and political researches "Aspect" Georgiy Fedorov. "Any military conflicts of the last time a business for those who are these conflicts serves. If you remember the Kosovo story, there was established, sad to say, industrial supply of organs from Serbs in the international clinic, there was a huge extensive network, which served these crimes". However, continue for Kosovo revelations Carla del Ponte did not follow. The EU gently scandal was hushed up, to some extent, having almost the patron of this black business. Now the industrial level of supply of donor organs may leave Ukraine. There are five centers involved in the transplantation of human organs: in Kyiv, Donetsk, Odessa, Lvov, Zaporozhye, they risk becoming a base for bloody operations. Representatives of militia are convinced that in the current situation is no legal continue these scandals and leakage will not receive recognizes the head of the Secretariat of the coordinating Council of the public movement "South-East" Alexander Kofman. "How can it be continued? We, who could initiate an investigation, are in territory blocked from all sides of the junta. The junta against the investigation will not hold. I am sure that after our victory will be investigated, but we have to live". Human rights activists urged not to delay the investigation of similar stories. However, while, according to observers, this is impossible, because in the country fighting is going on, and it is doubtful that the Kiev authorities will agree to a fair hearing. On the contrary, this period stakeholders will be used solely in order to wipe out all traces of the crime.



Some hidden from the eyes of the broad Ukrainian public the secrets of hysteria around the signing of the Association agreement with the EU began to swim out...

The Ministry of health of Ukraine, the European Directorate for the quality of medicines (EDQM), health and issues of transplantation, the national Institute of surgery and Transplantology. Aslamova and all-Ukrainian Council for protection of rights and safety of patients intend to create in Ukraine the National Agency for transplantation.

"I think in the next couple of weeks we will be able to approve the final text of the Memorandum... After approval of the text of the Memorandum will be signed", - said Vice-President of the Council of protection of rights and safety of patients Evgeny Nystatin last week during the "round table" on the visit to Ukraine of the European Directorate for the quality of medicines (EDQM) and the transplantation of the Council of Europe.

At the same time the representatives of the European Directorate (!!!) declared readiness to provide instructors who will help to train Ukrainian graft-coordinators, because in Ukraine they do not prepare.

Of course, Europe will present such instructors as Ukraine in conditions of extreme impoverishment of people coming in the framework of the universal "pokrashen" widespread job cuts because of the disruption of economic ties with the Customs Union will become a giant flea market for the sale of human organs!

And according to the Director of the coordination center of transplantation of organs, tissues and cells Ruslan Selutina, the priority is the establishment of a system that could adequately be managed as transplantation centers and carry out social advertising (!!!).

Oh, CE wrno! Yak escravo bude of zvuchali take ogoloshennya on telebachanne:
"DDoS I babus, Mami I Tata, the artwork I Ducati! Sell two organizations, Tim himself VI rature OC from crisis, Yak said President Yanukovych!"

"We are now actively performative the legal and regulatory framework, which was adopted in early 2000-ies. And now we have the draft statement of the removal of organs posthumous donor specifying the elements of the graft-coordination", - explained Salutin. And said, "Will be introduced regulatory system the graft co-ordination. Now we have such a system no.

According to him, the organs from posthumous donor can be held in major regional clinical hospitals where necessary material-technical base and trained staff.

Now imagine, how will it look in reality: to the extreme impoverished Ukrainians, especially those who either by age or health, or because of some other reasons could not find a job, to live on a meager pension, to go abroad to work, will get wide opportunities to sell their bodies.

As in Ukraine a quarter of the population (which is about 10 million people) lives in extreme poverty, you can imagine how many greedy vultures rubbing their hands, counting the number of Ukrainian kidneys, hearts and other organs...

This multi-billion dollar market.

There is no doubt that Ukraine will start wildly to flourish not only clear but also the secret of the market demand and sale of human organs. Sharp increase in the number of murders on this ground.

That this is not a fantasy, if only from the fact that the Ukrainian mafia best on the post-Soviet space have learned to sell their girls and women for forced prostitution. So the experience they have.


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