Secrets of Russia
"Bulava". How to sell state secrets to Russia
Recently it became known that grows another spy scandal with Russia. Now, on the "hero of the invisible front" came the Russian special services in the city of Yekaterinburg.
An employee of one of the private enterprises in the capital of the
Urals defense was caught that he passed secrets about Russian
intercontinental ballistic missile "Bulava" abroad.
It is reported that the man worked as an engineer in an NGO "Automatic"
and participated in the development of control systems for ICBMs.
It is in the transfer of foreign nationals materials relating to the
management "Bulava" and suspected Ural engineer, whose name is not
disclosed in the interests of the investigation.
By the way, this is not the first time that people who have access to
the secrets of the "Bulava" is involved in the spy scandals. Last illuminated episode concerns one of the senior staff of the cosmodrome "Plesetsk" - Lieutenant Nestertsa.
In February 2012, Vladimir Nesterets was sentenced to 13 years in
prison for having actively collaborated with the US Central Intelligence
Agency in terms of the transmission of data on solid reward missile
systems. Then the case was the court qualified as treason.
Which state engineer Yekaterinburg passed secrets ICBMs "Bulava", while
also being kept secret, but it is possible that we are talking about
one of the nuclear powers, interested in the information concerning a
missile control systems. From published data suggest that the missile "Bulava" will be put into service at the end of this year.
Modern modification allows the missile to carry data for one to eight,
on the other - to ten blocks maneuvering independently targetable
nuclear stuffing.
The trajectory of these blocks is that none of the existing potential
adversaries from computers not in a position to (trajectory) count. The secret of a maneuverability and is designed as a method of control of the rocket and its units.
It is obvious that the technique of missile control and was chosen by
foreign special services as the main target, and that it was necessary,
figuratively, hit by a Russian engineer.
In other words, if the disposal of the States concerned proved to be
the secret of "Bulava" automatically solid-fuel ballistic missile may
cease to be a serious threat to the interceptor.
And this in turn can only mean one thing: long-term work of designers
and builders of the rocket, as well as the billions invested in the
design and creation of Russian rocket means taxpayers turned into
mindless spending.
It turns out that even the creators of modern Russian army weapons may
be powerless when compared with a thirst for personal gain individual. It is difficult to imagine that working on such an enterprise, this man was a shortage of money. Apparently, starring the usual greed, which, as shown by this precedent could sweep on his way, even the public interest.
It is hoped that the Russian secret service had to stop spying on the Ekaterinburg defense enterprise at its early stage. Otherwise, Russia's security can be applied to such damage, which is comparable to the famous conversion programs early 90s.
By the way, the sentence of imprisonment, which was treason same
Colonel Vladimir Nesterets in February 2012 (13 years in prison), can be
considered quite mild, if we take into account the fact to what damage
the transmission of classified information could lead to the country as a
whole .
In the days of the Soviet Union for disclosing state secrets offender can expect the highest measure - execution. Today, the Russian legislation provides for state criminals much more lenient punishment. This penalty - from 12 to 20 years imprisonment and a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles.
If we consider that the damage caused by the disclosure of state
secrets could reach billions of rubles (excluding payments to designers,
builders, technicians), then a fine of 500 thousand looks only as a
mockery of the very concept of state secrets ...