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The "Detox" for 600 euros
The "Detox" - a modern complex of treatment of drug addiction opiate group (heroin, opium, morphine, methadone, codeine), based on a high-speed method of opiate detoxification (AML), used today in the leading American and European clinics. Treatment of this technology takes place in Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital (CDB) Office of the President of the Russian Federation. Method AML received the support of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health Addiction.

 The "Detox" for 600 euros

Treatment Program "Detox" takes place in 3 successive stages:

- The procedure for a deep detoxification (release of opiate receptors by drugs) under general anesthesia during the 6- 7:00;
- Implantation of the capsule containing a unit torus-opiate receptors - naltrexone hydrochloride prolonged action;
- Long-term psychological support for the patient and his family with study of psychological dependence on the individual program of recovery.
How is the procedure for AML?
After the patient is placed under general anesthesia, he / she must be entered in a certain sequence preparations - opiate antagonists, which block the opiate receptors in the central nervous system and in the body of the patient. As a result, superseded all opiates that may be in the receptors. No anesthesia is leaching typically causes painful opiate withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems, muscle spasms, intestinal cramps, watery eyes, fever, sweating, insomnia, depression, etc. Due to the fact that during the treatment of AML patient is in a dream, he does not experience these symptoms and they do not even dream about it. After the completion of the physical dependence on opiates blocked.
Is it safe?
From the point of view of safety of treatment, we would like to note that during the procedure, there is nothing more risky than drug use. As a rule, any effective treatment involves administering medications or performing procedures that have a particular effect on the human body. All effective drugs can have side effects, and all of the procedures can have complications, even if the drug is administered or produced procedures are performed in a professional manner. Side effects can not be obtained by a procedure which was not made, but will not use. In anesthesia is an obvious advantage, but more people die from badly produced anesthesia than from poorly performed operation. Right anesthesia involves a very small risk of serious complications for relatively young patients, which is the opium addict. But it would be wrong to say that everything always comes without side effects. While there is an alcoholic withdrawal syndrome (abstinence), which can be fatal, drug addicts do not happen. But many addicts who have already had the experience of breaking the fear of its recurrence.

Others feel that the end of the 20th century medicine should provide them with a more comfortable way to relieve withdrawal symptoms than just a 7-14-day abstinence. If they have already tried "alternative" treatments for their AML procedure under anesthesia it is the most reasonable and logical. Some critics argue that because of the fact that anesthesia involves some risk, it can not be used to treat opiate addiction. Our response to this is that if anesthesia is permitted with the birth of the child, which in itself is not fatal, or plastic surgery, which in itself is a luxury rather than a necessity, it is permissible anesthesia and in the treatment of opiate addiction.

We are always ready to cooperate with doctors, psychologists and treatment centers, meaning that they understand and accept this treatment.

We aim to give the patient and his family as much as possible care. In any case, the choice and the decision is yours.
Are there any contraindications to the AML?
Patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and / or liver are not allowed to AML. If the clinical condition of the patient's health is questionable, program "Detox" carries out an additional medical examination. But the procedure has been successfully carried out AML and patients suffering from diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, asthma without any serious complications.
How much is a treatment program "Detox"?
The cost of treatment in the program "Detox" depends on the following factors:

- The age of the patient;
- They consume;
- Length of use;
- Dose;
- Breaks;
- The duration of the interruption;
- Whether there is a concomitant dependence.

Possible cost from $ 1,500 to $ 5,200, depending on all these factors.
What happens after the procedure?
After treatment, most patients feel normal. Some patients in the first 1-2 days may feel fatigue, slight discomfort, minor muscle aches, etc., but in general they feel satisfactory.

In any case, program "Detox" provides around the clock individual care. It runs a group of doctors, who, if necessary, in the period following the basic procedure for providing care at home. It is essential that close to the patient in the first few days after the procedure were his relatives. The patient is usually 1 to 2 days back to work and study, if the work is not associated with severe physical exertion. The progress of the restore process is usually not associated with how long or he used a lot of drugs. In some patients, recovery is significantly faster or slower than others. Importantly, the procedure, which is performed under full anesthesia, - a detoxification rather than disposal of addiction.

After detoxification patients administered subcutaneously drug antagonist - naltrexone hydrochloride is a long-acting drug that blocks the effects on opiate receptors and prevents the long term possibility of a return to addiction.

After cessation of the patient can begin work on an individual program of recovery with the help of a qualified consultant for chemical dependency (psychologist).
How does Naltrexone?
Naltrexone - a wonderful drug, safe and easily tolerated by the overwhelming majority of patients used more than 20 years, has virtually no side effects. Naltrexone blocks the effects of heroin, methadone and other opiate drugs.

Naltrexone acts as he enters the central nervous system and is attached to the opiate receptors. If a person uses heroin (or other opiates) to produce a state of euphoria, heroin is trying to join the same opiate receptors. However, naltrexone blocks the receptors from exposure to opiate drugs, and obtaining the desired effect becomes impossible.

For naltrexone does not develop addiction and dependence.
How long do I need to use Naltrexone?
Action naltrexone designed for 2.5-3 months. In some cases, we recommend re-implantation.

If the total length of service, depending less than 1 year, we recommend that the receptors were blocked for 3 months; if more than 1 year, that a minimum of six months. Possible re-implantation and for a longer period.
How should I prepare for the procedure?
Are you preparing for this procedure, just like any other surgery.

We ask not take food for 12 hours prior to the procedure, otherwise it may lead to vomiting during the procedure.

We do not insist on the cessation prior to the procedure, but you must remember that the most effective detoxification would be the case if the use is interrupted, and you are in the initial stages of withdrawal.

We do not require dose reduction, the main thing that people did not feel discomfort and did not suit "goodbye" to the relationship.
The treatment program "Detox" is different from other methods?
The "Detox" is characterized by significant safety and reliability, and it is the result of two things:

- The process of "breaking" shortened from 7 days to 6-7 hours;
- Injected a drug that blocks opioid receptors safely and eliminates the long term possibility of a return to addiction.

The main difference of the program "Detox" is a comprehensive program that is a full cycle of treatment of physical and psychological dependence. In this part of the medical treatment based on advanced technologies, followed by a long period of counseling and therapy, based on the most productive of the world famous model of recovery.
Safety, side effects
The first program "DEKTOKS" thinking about the security of each of his patients. Thousands of patients have been treated by the technology program "Detox" without complications. Highly qualified anesthetists with extensive experience perform the procedure on a modern reliable equipment in the intensive care unit of the best clinics in Russia - the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian President Administration. During the procedure, the patient is under constant medical supervision. After being discharged from the hospital the patient is given a continuous communication with the doctor.
How will I feel after the treatment?
A little weak, but basically okay. Probably little discomfort feeling, weakness, diarrhea, etc. However, most patients feel better within a few days.
What about diet?
Usually a very large appetite may not be directly after leaving the clinic. You will need to drink more fluids, and your appetite and joy of eating will come back very quickly.
What happens if I take heroin after the procedure?
If you take heroin or other opiate drugs, it will not work, that is, you do not feel euphoric. However, naltrexone does not protect against the risk of overdose, detoxification and after treatment interruption in use increases the risk of overdose.
Harmful if naltrexone? Does it have side effects?
No, not dangerous. This drug, which is approved for use by Ministry of Health of Russia, approved in the United States and the vast majority of European countries.
Can I drink alcohol?
Although naltrexone use primarily for the treatment of drug addiction, it has recently been approved for the treatment of alcohol dependence. For different people it acts differently, and in some cases it may reduce drunkenness. In any case, we recommend that you controlled alcohol and consulted with your doctor.
As naltrexone would affect my sex life?
Opioids - are strong sedatives that reduce the sexual performance of man. You should expect to wake up your body functions in this area. Sexual activity associated with the restoration of the natural production of endorphins.
Is the treatment program "Detox"? Is there a warranty?
We believe that without serious legal presented in writing in the contract guarantees the treatment is meaningless for the patient. What people have to pay a lot of money: just for the fact of treatment or for a specific result ?! The question seems to be rhetorical, but it is a very practical question for our patients.

The "Detox" gives 100% guaranteed results.
How to get to the treatment program "Detox"?

The "Detox" for 600 euros

Treatment of heroin or methadone addiction, withdrawal withdrawal, detox, Detoxification, Ultra Rapid Opioid Detoxification UROD (AMLO), Naltrexone implants.

For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).

TSIPO "MOSMEDSERVIS" - Russia - Moscow
Tel: + 7 495 782 78 12 or Email: mosmedservice@yandex.ru


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