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Kozyrev Mirrors and Technology of ancient civilizations
papa-rimskij-bog-amenThe effects obtained by the screening space with the help of mirrors, has still not explained (except published "Theory of time" Kozyrev in which few people able to understand). So what Kozyrev mirror?

Aluminum (less glass, mirror, or made of other metals) the plane spiral, which, according to the hypothesis, proposed a famous astronomer NA Kozyrev reflect the physical time and like a lens can focus different types of radiation, including those emanating from biological objects. Conventional design Kozyrev mirrors is: rolled clockwise 1.5 turns a flexible sheet of mirror polished aluminum, which is placed inside the seat of the test and measurement equipment.

In the early 1990s, such mirrors, in particular, used in experiments on extrasensory perception, held at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Academician experiments led Treasurers. People placed in a cylindrical spiral, experienced a variety of abnormal, psycho-physical sensations, as recorded in the study protocol. Subjects in the mirrors of Kozyrev felt "out of his own body," in addition, employees Kaznacheeva recorded instances of telekinesis, telepathy, thought-translation. the ability of these, according to information received, to increase dramatically within the chamber of the 2-3-meter slightly curved metal mirrors.

Kozyrev Mirrors - experiments in Siberia

The documentary film "Beware of the mirror! The all-seeing "took off in 2011, the director Vitaly Pravdivtsev. This is a film that a ordinary object, like a mirror, causing countless legends and fairy tales will take. In folklore and legends there was plenty of space to stories of mysterious and unexplained facts that so far no one has not opened. Reality and fantasy, mixed with the local conventions, which are described in the film "Beware of the mirror! All-seeing, "suggest that mirror still remains one of the simplest and at the same time misunderstood household and scientific articles.

The plot of the documentary film "Beware of the mirror! All-Seeing ": scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in the distant past have tried to understand the properties of concave mirrors. At the time, Leningrad astrophysicist Kozyrev developed a theory of time, which was based on the properties of curved mirrors. There were mirrors made the necessary curvature, and scientists in the late '80s began a large-scale experiment, which was attended by volunteers from more than a dozen countries. The results were staggering, but it began again to say just now ...


kozyrev1Soglasno Kozyrev's theory, the mirror inside the room changed the density of time, perhaps this affected the aggravation of extrasensory perception. People who had spent inside the camera for a few hours, began to feel like members of bygone historical events, in front of them as if on a movie screen unfolded familiar from textbooks and even unknown actions and characters. The mechanism of interaction mirrors, time and human consciousness just studied, it is still impossible to say whether the subjects are transferred to the real events of the past or a glimpse of these events (hronomirazh) is transferred to us in the present (like an old newsreel) ...

Experiments have shown, and the presence of certain risk from the use of unknown effect, which is why experiments in all cases were suspended.

It would seem that special, that fundamentally new in a concave mirror? Similarly, as the flat, and it reflects visible and invisible energy "thin" human radiation reinforce them. And yet there have concave mirrors fundamental and important feature. This is their focus - the place in space where the reflected rays intersect.

One of the first encounter with this effect in a scientific experiment, the Florentine academicians. In 1667, in a volume collective work - a kind of report on research - they described at first glance a strange experiment: at a considerable distance from the dvuhsotkilogrammovoy block of ice set a concave mirror and found here that his focus temperature decreased markedly. Academics have concluded that cold, like the heat is distributed by radiation. Today, based on the laws of thermodynamics, we probably would have talked about some other mechanism not cold penetrates the focus of the mirror, and the heat as it is "pulled" from him and rushes outside. In other words, the concave mirror has the properties of not only receiving but also transmitting antenna. This effect is well known in the radio: just look at the parabolic radar or satellite television antennas.

Apparently, such properties are so-called "Kozyrev mirrors" - a special system of concave aluminum mirrors. According to the hypothesis suggested by Professor NA Kozyrev, these mirrors must focus the different types of radiation, including on biological objects. Foresight scientists confirmed in experiments on so-called distant interactions: clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. These works, in particular, are engaged in Novosibirsk scientists and get amazing results. So, in the early 90-ies of XX century, the first time in the history of science were carried out two global multi-day experiment on the transfer of information between people, remote from each other by thousands of kilometers and do not use traditional technical means of communication.

That's what one of these experiments, says their leader Academician VP Treasurers' advance is not stated in the program of the session transmission of images took place December 18, 1991. His party K. Dolgopyatov "mounted" shaped package information <...> with the installation of its acceptance by other participants in the experiment 20 and 22 December. It was found that the elements of this program have been steadily received at the designated time and continues to take during the following sessions. The numerical parameters sessions <...> confirms the reality of perception simultaneously in many points of Eurasia information previously entered information in the earthly space <...> We are close to a proof of the relationship of intellectual fields and to the recognition of the human mind to receive information regardless of geography and time ".


It has been convincingly shown that the quality of telepathic contact depends on the training of people in the non-traditional areas. For example, in the United States and Canada, where the experiments involved people with higher training, just received information 98 percent of the "receiver." And in Western Europe and Siberia, where qualified people had less - from 54 to 66 percent. In other words, there is every reason to believe that you can learn to perceive information from the information field of the Earth. During the experiments it was found that the best receivers "thin" media are women, especially those who were born during the new moon and during maximum solar activity. In other words, in all these cases, the work is not just a man and not just a mirror, and the complex "man-mirror", and each of the components of this complex has an intrinsic value. On the one hand, it is important to tune the ability of man to concentrate, enter your consciousness into a special state. And on the other - an important his "technical equipment". It turns out that the system of "Kozyrev mirrors" from the "normal" person is capable of making almost a magician. In fact, it was confirmed by long-standing view that the mirror can enhance sent a man of thought. Anyway, this was sure the wizards who have long used a mirror to enhance the actions of their magical rituals, particularly in remote and shock.

Researchers working with the "Kozyrev mirrors", revealed other interesting patterns. Suddenly, members of experiments it was found that a person who has been placed in the focus of the mirror, but in fact, the focus of his own reflected radiation, suddenly appear strange visions. Some of them belong to the past, some - a really remote space.

We detect and absolutely amazing effects. For example, the focus of these mirrors often appear luminous objects like a UFO or ball lightning.

One of the leaders of experiments Novosibirsk Professor AV Trofimov said: "We put the researcher in the installation. And suddenly there was a flash inside the unit of the plasmoid. Then, before starting work in the mirror - to the minute - over our building began to appear luminous object in the form of a disk. It disappears as soon as we stopped the work. This was seven times. And then start all miracles ... When at the time of preparation for the transfer of mental images we have made to mirror the character of Nicholas Roerich, "The Banner of Peace", a test was driven by some force field. It was scary. We were not ready for it, we did not even have instruments to measure everything. The only thing - we fixed the compass that the north was in the other side. I'm afraid to treat the cause and still maintains a certain detachment. "

Geophysical Service in Dixon when it was registered particularly strong indignation magnetosphere and ionosphere, and over the village observed a bright colored aurora borealis. In five of the seven experiments of this period was marked by "reaction" of the information field in the form of a glowing object with a train, which appear and disappear in the polar sky up to a minute in the beginning and end of the experimental work in the "Kozyrev mirrors".

"The temptation for our researchers to enter, approach the installation Kozyrev was great - admits Professor Trofimov. - But approaching - there is an animal sense of fear. At two o'clock in the morning on December 25 one of us approached. We felt the smell of ozone, there was another flash, and then a space opened an internal content. All who entered the "Kozyrev mirrors" saw a huge stream of symbols - signs, luminous, like neon signs ... At first we thought it was some sort of message to us. Temptations are always a lot in treatments. Then we realized that most of the characters seen relates to the Sumerian culture. It was a moment of history, which broke into our zone. "

In 1997, the Novosibirsk scientists conducted joint experiments with the British colleagues. In England, Stonehenge, over two hundred people took remote broadcast via the "Kozyrev mirrors" information from Novosibirsk. "We - says Trofimov - used program consisting of Sumerian culture characters - characters extant cuneiform writing on clay tablets. And the British have taken these characters. We are not surprised. We know how to make the transmitted information was adopted. Surprised more. In addition to these characters, it was made for about seventy, we did not pass. And they were all signs of the Sumerian culture. That is, in some way we went into the horizon of the data store on the shelf, which refers to the Sumerian phase of development of our civilization. "

I should add that the experiments with the "Kozyrev mirrors" were dedicated to Dixon and clean applications, medical problems - diagnosis and treatment at a distance (from France). Scientists are convinced: a possible therapeutic effect.

Academician Treasurers believes that describe the phenomenon - this is a reaction of the information field of the Earth in the "implementation" in it with the help of "Kozyrev mirrors" of human thought forms. It is possible that the way it is. But then the question arises: what kind of information has the power, if it is able to cause such physical phenomena? What happens in the focus of the concave mirror, if the idea of ​​a person who has been placed in it, the planet begins to speak (and possibly other reason)?


First - hypogeomagnetic camera installation, shielding man from the magnetic field of the Earth. By type of pipe are simple, but they simulated situation that evolutionary man never faced. All generations have evolved in Earth's magnetic field. In our setup, it is removed for a short time. And it turns out that by removing such pressure, we discover the human psychophysical reserves, which did not know. Including reserves psychophysical health. We try to treat - and already it turns out - something from which refused medicine until the end of the twentieth century, for example, some forms of epilepsy genuinnoy dependent on solar activity and the magnetic field. Bring us the parents of kids who are inhibited and Drug Administration only for them and live, which of course affects their intellectual and physical development. With the last hope of result. If the baby is dependent on the magnetic field - we do the calculation on the computer test for magneto and tackling the drug-free course correction, using certain short-circuit "dive" in bezmagnitnoe space. Manages to keep the patient from the use of drugs for at least four to five months. Then, unfortunately, the attacks returned and again have to use drugs. We continue our work looking complex, which would help to keep the achieved effect. But even that is received - is striking. When we first were told about it, it went hundreds of letters from all over the country ... We are not ready yet to receive such a large number of people. A new, well-funded Center.

There is another side to this treatment may be the most important. In addition, attacks that leave, the child begins very quickly to catch up with their peers in the intellectual and emotional development, it awakens the creator. For example, the test is on the drawing. Initially, before the course, we can not get anything but scribbles. Begin the procedure - five, seven, ten - and we can not tear the child from a pencil. He begins to draw, showing his new attitude to the world: there are paints, paint bright, enlightened ...

This is reminiscent of the experiments, when a person is under hypnosis told that he or Repin Paganini ...

Very similar! But the effect of hypnosis is usually short-lived and it is very difficult to fix. The flash illumination may be obtained, and to give impetus to the development of personality - should either keep him under hypnosis life, or yet to find another way.

Another of our wonderful device - the mirror-laser system. Kozyrev Mirrors are designed based on the ideas of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev, a prominent Russian astrophysicist, the name of which is our Institute. These settings are actually used for treatment. Some forms of psychosomatic illnesses are treated with great effect. Man is transformed. To explain this effect in a few words is difficult. We like to appeal to the subjective time of our patient. Each of us is its source, but it has been losing, dispels these flows, and we use special screens for a short time to collect them. Here, too, the principle of screening, but if hypogeomagnetic camera escapes from the effects of external magnetic fields, the Kozyrev mirrors, we shield the interior of the field, do not let them dissipate.

These systems allow you to access the reserves, including the reserves of the brain: increases a person's memory, he remembers better, plays better, plus the revitalization of creativity - and it turns out the complex, which can be very useful to those who will enter the XXI century. And we are ready to organize such a complex! Perhaps a course in the installation hypogeomagnetic students - in one of the schools of Akademgorodok. The willingness is there, you only need to decide on organizational matters.

Source: worldmystery.ru

Kozyrev Mirrors

Kozyrev mirror and the theory of time

Time - value eludes human understanding. Therefore, work on the study of time is always shrouded in mystery. Nikolai Kozyrev - one of those people who are trying to penetrate the essence of this phenomenon. Mirrors his designs he created for the study of temporal processes and named Kozyrev mirrors, caused a stormy discussion, and the effects obtained by the screening space with the help of mirrors, has not yet been explained. Himself a scientist published his theory (the theory of the time), the essence of which is as follows. Time - the value is not an abstract, but having the direction and energy. At the same time affects our world and is an additional source of energy without giving step heat death of the universe and provides the observed harmony. Based on this theory, the time may have the opposite direction, but in the world with the passage of time, things will be mirror opposite properties (for example, the heart is on the right). It should be said that this theory did not arise out of nowhere - it is based on the works of Albert Einstein and Hermann Minkowski. From their work, it follows that gravity is a distortion of space and time - is one of the characteristics of the distortion of space. But Kozyrev went on, of his ideas turned out that you can do hubs time, which is the mirror Kozyrev. The idea underlying the design of the mirrors has a lot in common with the ideas of another brilliant scientist Wilhelm Reich, a student of Sigmund Freud, who developed a very interesting psychological techniques based on the swapping of sexual energy. He discovered that mental energy is further affected by certain forces in the area, which can reinforce it with designs developed by him. They studied the life energy he called orgone, while they themselves design - orgone generators. These generators are exposed not only to mental energy people, they have improved plant growth. Further work led Reich to create devices that can be used to influence the earth's climate. These developments have frightened the American government (the last years of Wilhelm Reich lived and worked in the United States). He was arrested, many of his works were burned, and he, according to the official version, he died in prison of a heart attack ... Similarly orgone generators of Wilhelm Reich, installation Kozyrev also have an impact on biological objects. Kozyrev Mirrors are helical cylindrical structures made of special aluminum alloy with a laser inside the installation. Externally similar to the scanner. According to the hypothesis of the scientist, they are able to screen and seal the flow of space-time.
St-Peter-s-Basilica Dome-of-St-Peter-s-Basilica_2934Primenenie Kozyrev mirrors

Dome of St. Peter's in Rome

In the early 1990s, such mirrors, in particular, used in experiments on extrasensory perception, held at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Experiments led by Academician Treasurer. People placed in a cylindrical spiral, experienced a variety of abnormal, psycho-physical sensations, as recorded in the study protocol. In particular, the subjects inside mirror Kozyrev felt "out of his own body." Employees Kaznacheeva recorded instances of telekinesis, telepathy, thought-translation. The ability of these, according to information received, to increase dramatically within the chamber of the 2-3-meter, slightly curved, metal mirror. According to the theory Kozyrev in the mirror

premises changed the density of time.Perhaps that's what influenced the aggravation of extrasensory perception. People who had spent inside the camera for a few hours, felt like members of bygone historical events or seen the future.
The mechanism of interaction mirrors Kozyrev, time and human consciousness just gtlavnoe-zerkalo-vremeni-tibetizuchaetsya still impossible to say transferred whether subjects in the actual events of the past or a glimpse of these events (hronomirazh) TIBET - KAILASH - City of the Gods is transferred to us in the present. It would seem that, especially in a concave mirror? Similarly, as the flat, they reflect the energy of visible and invisible, "thin" human radiation reinforce them. However, the concave mirrors principled and important feature: their focus - the intersection of the reflected rays in space. What are the consequences of this, and what is actually included in the law papa-rimskij-zerkala-kozyrevadeystvie can only guess. Striking facts of ancient giant concave mirrors, we can observe in the "City of the Gods" of Tibet. According to some scholars, this pyramid complex of stone and mirrors (up to hundreds of meters) is interconnected with all the pyramid complexes of the Earth, as well as facilities, such Stouhendzhu and for energy management time. Ancient Tibetan legends tell of the sons of the gods who built this mysterious city, which could use the "power of the Spirit." Similar properties of concave mirrors could not attract the attention of scientists. Experiments with Kozyrev mirrors, and some of the findings were among the first of their unusual properties encountered Florentine academics. In 1667 a volume collective work - a kind of report on research - they described an experiment at a considerable distance from the 200-pound block of ice set a concave mirror and found here that his focus temperature decreased markedly. It was concluded that the cold, like heat, distributed by radiation. Today, based on the laws of thermodynamics, we would talk about some other mechanism not cold penetrates the focus of the mirror, and the heat as it is "pulled" from him and rushes outside. That is, the concave mirror has the properties of not only receiving but also transmitting antenna. This effect is widely used in electronics: just look at the parabolic television antenna. Apparently, similar properties and have a mirror Kozyrev is a special system of concave aluminum mirrors. Confidence scientist in the ability of mirrors to focus the various types of radiation were confirmed in experiments Novosibirsk scientists on distant interactions: clairvoyance, telepathy and so on. N. That was the first time in the history of science were carried out two global multi-day experiment on the transfer of information between people, distant from each other by thousands kilometers and not use traditional technical means of communication. Here is what one of these experiments, their leader, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V. Treasurers' advance is not stated in the program of the session transmission of images took place December 18, 1991. His party K. Dolgopyatov "mounted" pictorial information package with the installation of its acceptance by other participants in the experiment 20 and 22 December. It was found that the elements of this program have been steadily received at the designated time and continues to take during the following sessions. The numerical parameters sessions confirms the reality of perception simultaneously in many points of Eurasia information previously entered information in the terrestrial space. We walked up to the proof of the relationship of intellectual fields and to the recognition of the human mind to receive information regardless of geography and time. "Researchers working with Kozyrev mirrors, revealed other interesting patterns. Suddenly, members of experiments it was found that, for example, the focus of these mirrors often appear luminous objects like a UFO or ball lightning. One of the leaders of experiments, Novosibirsk Professor AV Trofimov, he says: "We put the researcher in the installation. And suddenly there was a flash inside the unit of the plasmoid. Then, before starting work in the mirror - to the minute - over our building began to appear luminous object in the form of a disk. It disappears as soon as we stopped the work. So it was 7 times. And then start all miracles ... When at the time of preparation for the transfer of mental images we have made ​​to mirror the character of Nicholas Roerich, "The Banner of Peace", a test was driven by some force field. It was scary. We were not ready for it, we did not even have instruments to measure everything. The only thing - we fixed the compass that the north was in the other side. I'm afraid to treat the cause and still maintains a certain detachment. "Geophysical Service in Dixon when it was registered particularly strong indignation magnetosphere and ionosphere, and over the village observed a bright colored aurora borealis. In 5 of 7 experiments of this period was marked by "reaction" of the information field in the form of a glowing object with a train, which appear and disappear in the polar sky up to a minute in the beginning and end of the experimental work in Kozyrev mirrors. "The temptation for our researchers to enter, closer to install Kozyrev was great - admits Professor Trofimov. - But approaching - there is an animal sense of fear. At 2 am on December 25 one of us approached. We felt the smell of ozone, there was another flash, and then a space opened an internal content. All who entered the Kozyrev mirror, saw a huge stream of symbols - signs, luminous, like neon signs ... At first we thought it was some sort of message to us. Temptations are always a lot in treatments. Then we realized that most of the characters seen relates to the Sumerian culture. It was a moment of history, which broke into our zone. "In 1997, the Novosibirsk scientists conducted joint experiments with the British colleagues. In England, Stonehenge, more than 200 people to receive remote broadcast via mirror Kozyrev information from Novosibirsk. "We - says Trofimov - used program consisting of Sumerian culture characters - characters extant cuneiform writing on clay tablets. And the British have taken these characters. We are not surprised. We know how to make the transmitted information was adopted. Surprised more. In addition to these characters it was taken back 70, which we have not passed. And they were all signs of the Sumerian culture. That is, in some way we went into the horizon of the data store on the shelf, which refers to the Sumerian phase of development of our civilization. "It should be noted that the experiment with mirrors Kozyrev Dixon were devoted and pure application, medical problems - diagnosis and treatment distance (from France). Scientists are convinced: a possible therapeutic effect. The result was the emergence of surprising experimental apparatus - the mirror-laser system, designed on the basis of ideas Kozyrev. Today these units are actually used to treat humans. Moreover, some forms of psychosomatic illnesses are treated with great effect. People are just transformed. The method scientists briefly explained as follows. During treatment, they seem to refer to the subjective (individual, personal) time for each patient. Every person is a source of time, but has been losing, dispels these flows, and doctors with special screens for a short time they are collected. To do this, patients are placed in a special chamber equipped with a system of mirrors of Kozyrev, that screen the internal fields of human, not allowing them to dissipate. Academician Treasurers believes that the above phenomena - is the reaction of the information field of the Earth in the "implementation" in it with the help of mirrors Kozyrev human thought forms. It is possible that the way it is. But then the question arises: what kind of information has the power, if it is able to cause such physical phenomena? What happens in the focus of the concave mirror, if the idea of a person who has been placed in it, the planet begins to speak, and, perhaps, another reason? The last thought I would like to stay. Experiments have shown the presence of difficult to explain the dangers posed by the use of unknown effect, which is why experiments in all cases were suspended. Obviously, the concave mirror configured in a special way, not only able to influence the course of time, but also open the door to a parallel world, which is clearly not friendly. The feeling of fear, which occurs in people during the experiment may indicate the presence of certain intelligences that affect human consciousness. Therefore, research in this area should be associated with extreme caution, with the understanding that what we are dealing with.

Kozyrev mirrors - corridors in other dimensions?
About "closed" experiment Novosibirsk scientists
said "Vecherka" one of the participants, "As the location in the mirror, I watched a permanent change themselves and with each once more I found out about them. At some point of time in the mirror appeared images of bygone times. All of them closely related with the atmosphere created by mirrors. In one of the sessions (earlier this was not), I physically felt the presence of other eras and cultures since ancient American Indians and representatives of the ancient Egyptian civilization. This feeling can not be transferred on the verbal level. "The man on the screen, choosing his words slowly, trying to explain the unexplainable. It's not even thinking aloud, and scraps of thoughts on who will of fate touched the higher knowledge. "The connection of cause and effect, time and space. The reason is the information field of the earth, which is reflected in the world, in the evolutionary process creates a person who, in turn, begins to evolve. A necessary condition for human development - these are the times when people are in the church, the holy place, a place of high-energy, send your thoughts to the supreme principle. And these thoughts layering on top of each other, create the future of humanity. And in the mirror, you can trace how their thoughts move us today. This is a result of connection to the information field of the Earth. Man - the element of this system, as a form of intelligent life. "The geometry of the mirror world No, everything you read above, this is not an excerpt from a science fiction novel, but a fragment of the" closed "a documentary about an unprecedented experiment carried out ten years ago at the Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical Experimental Medicine (IKEM) under the leadership of Vlail Kaznacheeva. The experimental results are not made ​​public. We only know that one of the participants in the experiment died under strange circumstances (his voice is in the frame of the documentary), others committed suicide. Experiment to some extent was a continuation of studies of the deceased Astrophysics Kozyrev, to investigate the relationship of space and time. According to the academician Kaznacheeva, "Kozyrev first experimentally came to the realization that the universe, in addition to Einstein space (- time and space), as a form of interaction universal substance, there is another principle of relationship, implemented with the help of some energy flows emitted by stellar bodies. These streams can be recorded terrestrial instruments. During his studies, Kozyrev showed that the star like light signals are recorded in the aluminum plates. And "if you create a sphere made ​​of aluminum and put the person, then he will be in the space of an unknown world. With the help of these mirrors can be a man for the first time simultaneously in two spaces with a completely unknown to us geometry. "The first experiments with the" Kozyrev mirrors "began in 1989. "Mirrors" is a simple wooden panels with aluminum plates. But after the first session one of the experimenters came the information (from a mirrored space?), Should look like the real mirror. By order of IKEM Chkalov factory were manufactured aluminum sphere is a huge glasses. Total 8 glasses a height of 2.5 meters. Then he picked four people - two men and as many women employees of the institute. The experiment lasted three months. Conversations went three times a week for 40 minutes each. Mirrors - the channel in time and space tells one of the participants of the experiment, the author of the film (excerpts from which were "announced" at the beginning of the article), the former journalist Vadim (he asked not to say his name in newspaper): "In itself the mirror - a piece of iron, their unique properties are manifested only through people. Personally, I am for all that time, almost did not see anything. However, many felt. For example, the fact that the mirror is taken energy. It is on this basis, many of us have been there to develop suicidal mood. Another mirror open space-time channel, but not all. We Dmitry (his voice is in a frame), it opened and stayed in our reality two months. As we learned later, it was a transition channel 49 worlds. Output in these worlds was through Shambhala, which was a sort of checkpoint into the unknown. Once we are "sitting" in the mirror, and Dima said to me: See, this Shambhala pyramid. But I saw nothing. In trance we did not go, but a special feeling when you log in the mirror was. As if you pass a certain limit, after which the real world behind the mirrors seems illusory. Over 35 sessions, we visited all the 49 worlds. Not physically, of course. Dmitry told in great detail where we were. But for some reason I did not want to write his stories on film. Needless to stay in this area you have to somehow change, and that's enough. These changes are not external but internal, deep that it is impossible to describe. I do not ask in the mirror, but it just happened. Dima told me, if you think you got here by accident, something very wrong ... "Mirrors killed? Two months after the start of the experiment the results seriously interested in the military. Vadim comrade did not relish the role of guinea pigs for military purposes, and they are silent, "in English" left the experiment. Dmitry became an associate of the famous "white" Lama Ole Nydahl, he began to build the Altai Buddhist temple, but soon died under mysterious circumstances. It happened at 8 am. The car, which was traveling Dmitri suddenly turned on completely level ground. (As it turned out, the local traffic police do find it strange place). She suddenly just started tumbling, and then stuck upside down. Dmitry died two hours later. It could still be saved, but as his companions (for some reason they survived) or "voted" no one stopped. They seemed not to have seen. Then the machine stopped every five minutes, but it was too late. Talking about the death of a friend, Vadim seemed a little surprised. Dima was full of energy. Ole Nydahl told him, if I had a dozen of these guys, I would have turned the earth. The impression is that Dima stopped at full gallop.

Who?Vadim shrugs. We hardly ever know about it. Apparently, it was somehow connected with the experiment. At the very Vadim shortly after his wife died of the mirror world. For other participants in the experiment it is known a little. - They tried to lure me back to the mirror, but I refused. They continue to experiment with mirrors, but now the program is funded by the military. As far as I know, the purpose of the project - to run information tentacles into the future in order to influence it. On the firm belief Vadim, mirrors are dangerous, they are de-energized human energy, hence the suicidal mood, the unwillingness to live. Himself Kozyrev who discovered cosmic through the looking glass, and did not imagine its practical use. As we found out the author of these lines, experiment with Kozyrev mirrors Academic researchers continue. However, recognizing this fact, academician Vlail Treasurers refused to talk about the ongoing investigations. According Vlail Petrovic, the results have yet to comprehend, and until the publication of the data of the experiment is highly undesirable. According to the academician, the information may be subject to the "black" PR. It is not necessary, they say, on the eve of the election to agitate the already electrified the public consciousness. Vadim said mirror spatial corridors to move into other dimensions. But in the world they are not the only ones. The same corridors, according Muldasheva are and stone piramidy- "mirror", he discovered in Tibet. The degree of danger can only guess, but the Tibetan lamas advised Russian researchers approach the mirror pyramids. The technique of spatial transition was known to ancient Egyptian initiates. It was called "mer ka ba." "Our consciousness, - says Vadim - code set to a wave length of 7.23 cm, so it sees only the earthly world. When dying the whole body is an automatic switching of consciousness at shorter wavelengths. For our tour of other worlds do not necessarily leave the physical body. There is a simple and reliable way - the key to switch the channels of perception of consciousness. In the presence of human etheric body this switch consists of two interpenetrating tetraedonov. This octagon is called "mer ka ba." Technique energy transition to other worlds is quite complicated, and for its use of modern man may end in failure. Living in technogenic world, we are so "dirty" energy that we have, at best, will not be allowed in other dimensions, and at worst - just destroy. "The International Institute of Space anthropoecology (MICA) name Kozyrev Academic science still cautious or even disparagingly refers to the "esoteric" found methods, considering them not objective enough, but at the same time forget that the most accurate tool we carry within us. The computer program "Helios" allows you to look into the background of cosmic man, extract the information, not knowing where we live and are treated illiterate. The influence of solar and terrestrial environment, ie heliogeophysical factors on man and his health. There is no need to argue that such an impact is. Huge statistics - and not ours, and received in academic institutions - it shows that our health is directly dependent on the actions of these cosmic factors. Number of stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crises are clustered around days when these factors are particularly active. Program allows you to enter the date of birth of any person to determine what was the cosmic situation of these factors during the period of gestation of the child in the womb. It then goes tab field frame, which then acquires the cell, takes the shape of the body. The field interacts with a large field of space. So formed magneto - a measure of the perception of magnetic factors for life and the ability to respond to the system, the impact of which was the largest. And if you look in the philosophical sense, it is one of the main components of the fundamental properties of living matter, which Academician VP Treasurers called kosmofiliey. "Kosmofily" easier to come into contact with the cosmic flow; in the opposite of them, "kosmofoby" quickly lose touch geospatial pristine property. There is a "sunny" people who have evolved in the solar environment, there is a "lunar". For a full moon person born full moon, every full moon, every month - and how many of them for life! - A special peak of his condition and the status of all of its functional systems. The first - hypogeomagnetic camera installation, shielding man from the magnetic field of the Earth. By type of pipe are simple, but they simulated situation that evolutionary man never faced. All generations have evolved in Earth's magnetic field. In our setup, it is removed for a short time. And it turns out that by removing such pressure, we discover the human psychophysical reserves, which did not know. Including reserves psychophysical health. We try to treat - and already it turns out - something from which refused medicine until the end of the twentieth century, for example, some forms of epilepsy genuinnoy dependent on solar activity and the magnetic field. Bring us the parents of kids who are inhibited and Drug Administration only for them and live, which of course affects their intellectual and physical development. With the last hope of result. If the baby is dependent on the magnetic field - we do the calculation on a computer sample to be magnetically undertake the course of drug-free correction using specific scheme of short-term "dive" in bezmagnitnoe space. The principle of screening, but if hypogeomagnetic camera escapes from the effects of external magnetic fields, in Kozyrev mirrors, we shield the interior of the field, do not let them dissipate. These systems allow you to access the reserves, including the reserves of the brain: increases a person's memory, it is better to remember the best plays, plus the revitalization of creativity cosmos - is a living space. Laws Universum and his interactions with us, of course, are still unknown, but some rules are more or less already looming. "Intelligence as cosmoplanet phenomenon" - and the vanguard hypothesis of academician VP Kaznacheeva that once the Earth was in a particular sector of space, its field a reasonable flow. After meeting with him, our planet has become a platform for the adaptation of the Earth cosmic life forms. In this sense, we are all aliens. Http://markus.spb.ru/avtoritet/koz3.shtml Mirrors Kozyrev effect produced by the screening space with the help of mirrors, has still not explained (except published "Theory of time" Kozyrev in which very few people able to understand).

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4 Narkolog  
Spirals Dodonova

However, in addition to knowledge of the dangers are undeniable and good. Soon enough after the historic fire of books Veinik another friend of
mine mechanical engineer, Candidate of Science Boris Dodon (1925-1998)
from Moscow, re-built several Kozyrev veynikovskih screen helical
stator, one of which is a truly colossal proportions was made from
dozens of tin sheets, each measuring 3x1 m. Straight sheets after fixing
wooden spacers arranged radially with a small deviation from the
center, forming a ring with an outer diameter of a little more than 6
meters and an inner empty space of less than half a meter in diameter. This empty circle on a sufficiently long string suspended disk that
almost immediately began to slow promotion, the same direction as the
direction of the helix.

The fact that some force (no matter what it's called: the pressure of air, vacuum, space, time ..). was to rotate the disc - this stems from the conclusions of the theory
Kozyrevskaya time, however, B.Dodonov came to the bottom line for the
most part intuitive. In 1991, he patented his vortex engine {N patent 2,005,505 on "engine that uses cosmic energy"}. And on this basis to create a device for the study of pathogenic zones
and corrector biofield "Corby" for the non-surgical treatment. Proof represented the wood saw cut thickness of about 15-20 cm from the
excavated core and radial spiral saw cuts multiples of seven (7, 14,
21). Depending on the type of wood (birch and aspen) and the direction of
the spiral fueled healing stator or unknown energy recovering body or
oppressed malignant tumors. Unlike their predecessors, Dodonov began to use this machine not only
for scientific experiments (no measurement of the time it does not), but
for the treatment of various diseases. {"PB" in 1992, 11 November; 1993, February 13}.

I participated in the experiments Dodonova, and I can only attest to
their effectiveness, although in favor of the treatment of wood stators
certainly more than I say numerous acts of tests and medical histories
of patients cured of his method in the center dendroterapii in Izmailovo
Park ... Planned joint experiments, which from my side were made
timepieces and quartz oscillators, did not take place, Boris died at the
peak of its activity ...

However, if that were united temporal work Kozyrev Veinik, Dodonova and
Khlebnikov, Bartın and many others, it's a feeling that they too were
interrupted suddenly. Perhaps it has suspended the ardor of any of the scientists involved in the problem of time in Russia. But ... did not stop foreign researchers.

3 Narkolog  
of the experiments are not clear. People placed in a cylindrical spiral, experienced a variety of
abnormal psycho-physical sensations, as recorded in the study protocol. Subjects in the mirrors of Kozyrev felt "out of his own body," in
addition, employees Kaznacheeva recorded instances of telekinesis,
telepathy, thought-translation ... The purpose of the experiments was to
study and also the training of human abilities of clairvoyance,
precognition of future events, looking into the events Past. And the ability of these, according to information received, to
increase dramatically within the chamber of the 2-3-meter slightly
curved metal mirrors. According to Kozyrev's theory of the mirror in the room changed the
density of time, perhaps it influenced the aggravation of extrasensory
perception. People who had spent inside the camera for a few hours, began to feel
like members of bygone historical events, in front of them as if on a
movie screen unfolded familiar from textbooks and even unknown actions
and characters. The mechanism of interaction mirrors, time and human consciousness just
studied, it is still impossible to say - whether the subjects are
transferred to the real events of the past or a glimpse of these events
(hronomirazh) is transferred to us in the present (like an old newsreel)

Experiments have shown, and the presence of certain risk from the use
of unknown effect, which is why experiments in all cases were suspended. Nevertheless, these experiments they rightfully entered the golden fund of physics.

Spirals Veinik

Apply and opaque, nonspecular spiral. Some of these experiments (such as the one where the screens are
arranged in a spiral of massive plates is caused to rotate suspended by a
thread drive) repeated and finalized later corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Albert (Victor) Veinik I. (1919-1996) and the Moscow physicist Anatoly Okhatrin.

Later, Albert Veinik "went into the religion," he took a new name,
Victor, and his scientific papers and books, including the physics of
time (from the devil!), Burned at the stake in the courtyard of the
Academy. We will not rashly criticize, or even more so, to accuse him of
betrayal, despite the public care of science, he continued to be
interested in the latest developments to the end of his life (the last
time we saw him, and were photographed in 1996 at its last conference;
however, When I showed the film, I saw that the frame is somewhat marred
almost at the same time it was reported that Veinik tragically died in
November 1996) ... We can say that almost all the rest of his life,
Victor Veinik denied work Veinik Alberta. Perhaps he (like Einstein) really found something that might be dangerous for Humanity? That is what we are talking, really can be more than a rather offensive (that we will devote a separate conversation) ...

Veinik repeating some of Kozyrev's experiments, he developed his own
distinct from Kozyrev, chronal field theory (ie, the time field),
according to which, in principle, possible to send any body (system) in
his own past or future (ie you can rejuvenate or age the body). Movements in physical time "by changing the course of the conditional,
does not exist in the nature of time" (and hence the creation of MV)
according to this theory is impossible. {Veinik A. "Thermodynamics of real processes". Minsk. Navuka i tehnika. 1991, p.242}. In other words, on the basis of one and the same practical results
Kozyrev said that time management and time travel is possible, and
Veinik actually put these ideas on the cross, the same as at the time
that "does not exist." However, later Veinik put an end on all other ideas, which, of course, impressed and baffled many domestic scholars.

2 Narkolog  
The work in the time domain in the USSR

It is believed that the scientific receiver Einstein was not, so after
1955 is consumed the ashes of the burned manuscripts of Einstein's
theory of general fields, turning the wand research Time again as it
returned to the USSR. No, it is not a physicist Igor Kurchatov, who repeated many of
Einstein's research in the field of war and nuclear demagnetization
projects (partly described, for example in the book of Peter T.
Astashenkov I.Kurchatove). However, on the work under the patronage of I.Kurchatova Lawrence Beria
over analogue "Eldridge" except a terse gossip do not know anything ...
But it is known about the theoretical research a completely different
person in a camp guarded by the people of Beria.

Professor Nikolai Kozyrev engaged in designing MW even during his imprisonment in a prison gulag. To complete the calculations he lacked knowledge of some astronomical figures, but where they could learn in prison? Once in a hopeless situation, Nikolai for the first time sent a similar request for help to God. And after several days of prayers at the feet of Kozyrev fell ... astronomical guide! Perhaps it was a kind of joke overseer, but be that as it may, the book
was selected them back too fast {Solzhenitsyn A. "The Gulag
Archipelago"}. Anyway, one way or something like describe these events legend camp.

After many years Kozyrev yet started at the Pulkovo Observatory in experiments with time. Insignificant changes in fractions of a second has been achieved for a
rotating flywheel and by dissolution in water of certain substances
therein. Even more intriguing results Kozyrev received through normal and not quite ordinary mirrors. No, there was no apparent slow acceleration time, but observed other "miracles".

Kozyrev Mirrors

The effects obtained by the screening space with the help of mirrors,
has still not explained (except published "Theory of time" Kozyrev in
which few people able to understand). So what Kozyrev mirror?

Aluminum (at least - made of glass, mirror, or made of other Metellus)
spiral plane which, according to the hypothesis, proposed a famous
astronomer NA Kozyrev reflect the physical time and like a lens can
focus different types of radiation, including those emanating from
biobektov. Conventional design Kozyrev mirrors is: rolled clockwise 1.5 turns a
flexible sheet of mirror polished aluminum, which is placed inside the
seat of the test and measurement equipment.

In the early 1990s, such mirrors, in particular, used in experiments on
extrasensory perception, held at the Institute of Experimental Medicine
of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, headed by
Academician V.Kaznacheev experiments. In 1993-94 these experiments were in "Kosmopoisk", which is scheduled to return to this subject.

The results

1 Narkolog  
However, if that were united temporal work Kozyrev Veinik, Dodonova and
Khlebnikov, Bartın and many others, it's a feeling that they too were
interrupted suddenly. Perhaps it has suspended the ardor of any of the scientists involved in the problem of time in Russia. But ... did not stop foreign researchers.

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