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Is there a crisis in Russia? September 2015
Кризис в РоссииRussia September 2 - News. That's all they say: "Crisis! Crisis! "To listen to the news:" Crisis! "Glyanesh picture of friends:" Crisis! "Read the reviews economists:" Crisis! "And you go out on the street ... I saw in my life a few crises. It's definitely not it.

The crisis - is when, for example, all taxi drivers to urgently re-adjust their cars from petrol to gas. At least it was in 1998. The crisis - is when people start to save to wash their cars themselves, using buckets and rags. The crisis - is when, pereobuvayas rubber, we own hands, remove and put on wheels. But even this is not a crisis.

The present crisis - this is when the winter tires people do not buy, go in the winter to the summer.

The crisis - it is what is. This is when on the road mines - Rostov-on-Don prostitutes each other on their heads sit. And it is not the desire for easy and beautiful life, but because they have nothing to feed the children.

The crisis - is when their fathers, husbands and brothers on the same track looting and extortion. And these tracks in the country - every second.

Once the present crisis - is when people remember that the earth knows how to make a meal. You have a cottage? How long have you grown in her something other than flowers, and all sorts of vegetables aksessuarchikov for current consumption? Maybe this year you grabbed the shovel, planted all his land potatoes, then to eat it all winter?

How do canned food, you have not forgotten? Cucumbers, tomatoes roll, mushroom pickle, jam cook? A rusk bread, which did not have time to eat? Do not try? Why is that? The yard is in fact a crisis! In the early nineties, we did just that.

Birthdays of restaurants in those days, even the new Russian is not very marked. Now, in the grim years of unprecedented economic turmoil, invite friends home for a simple table for an anniversary or, God forbid, a wedding - a terrible shame.

And recently I taxied to the commanders of the nearest parking. Suddenly, I think there is a place vacant. The crisis also! Above me laugh: Yes, the waiting list got a little shorter, but as there were no seats and no.

And when we had become so soft? After all, until recently boasted of his cat's vitality. How quickly we have acquired large and small weaknesses, harmless addictions, wasteful habits. Today, even "stupid Americans" will give us a head start in endurance and asceticism.

When I once again hear the "crisis!" I want to create a time machine. I would be happy to send a person who utters a word in vain, to those still quite recent times, when relatives, even with individual apartments, gathered to live together - because lead one family farm economy than a few. Let him remember how to darn socks, pantyhose tightening on nail polish obscure, and new clothes on the needles knit.

Let him understand that the crisis - this is when even the teachers at the university by public transport ride, not to mention the students. When the paper used in the offices of the two sides, when the subway does not go through, because at the entrance to the huge crowds of people selling horrible. When you come to the hospital, and it gives you a list of medications - buy its all down to the iodine and bandages. Yes, do not forget to thank the doctors, nurses and orderlies, because they pay six months overdue.

No, of course I know a little about the economy and realize that the fall in GDP of 4.5 per cent - this is serious. The growth of consumer prices by 15.3 per cent - this is not good. The reduction in foreign direct investment by 70 per cent - a very worrying sign. Lower oil prices, devaluation of the ruble, the sanctions war - there is absolutely nothing to rejoice. My own family budget in the last couple of years is much thinner. And the language of the economy is, of course, is called crisis. But to call it a crisis in terms of interpersonal communication - it means to offend God.

In terms of interpersonal communication is so - some of the circumstances. It is much less important in the life of any normal person, than, for example, divorce, booze, depression or chronic psoriasis.

I expect comments: "Author - dude! He fine pearls, and we have the soup liquid. He was in the restaurants is not enough, and we've got close rural schools, hospitals cut, trains overturned. "

Yes, rural schools and hospitals are going under the knife. Only the economic crisis has nothing to do with. Optimization of social infrastructure and forcing people from rural areas began in the middle of the zero - the most that neither is a corpulent times. This, of course, is also a crisis. Not only in the economy, and in their heads.

Reduce commuter trains? Yes, cut. That's just for some reason all long nineties did not touch them. No economic crisis has not interfered with commuter trains go to two or three times more than today. So, again, not the case in the economy and in the priorities that are somehow not as developed since some highly intelligent cranium.

Life in the village is hungry? In the heat of the political struggle is not yet imagined. I recently spoke about this with a taxi driver-depressive shabashniki of Kostroma region, met with him a few full days. Every third call - please bring food from the store, which is to walk 500 meters. Every second challenge - to get a taxi to the district center, where you can be reached by bus, but in the scrap. Is that - hungry life? Do not make me laugh.

From the huge list of serious problems that could potentially threaten me personally and my family, I am afraid of the economic crisis less likely. Much less than the midlife crisis, serious health problems, the loss of loved ones, the accident, the coarsening of the soul and other things that are not written in the news.

In general news writing mostly about what real life has absolutely nothing to do.

What's behind our window? Rain, wind northwest, occasionally rain. And do nothing. All other news are in us.
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