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Edward Snowden
The list includes Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Germany, China, Cuba and other countries [video, the list of countries]

A former CIA officer Edward Snowden, to unlock the secrets of American intelligence, on the eve filed a request for political asylum in Russia. This information was confirmed on duty Consul Consular office of the Russian Federation at the airport "Sheremetyevo" Kim Shevchenko.

"Yesterday at 22:30 in the consular office of the Russian Foreign Ministry at the airport" Sheremetyevo "asked a citizen of the UK, Sarah Harrison, who introduced the lawyer and confidant of US citizen Snowden. She passed the request on Snowden political asylum in Russia," - the diplomat said.

Shevchenko added that he had personally received a package of documents from Harrison, affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the documents sent by courier.


The Russian Federal Migration Service has not received a request from Snowden

As reported "KP" a spokesman for the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of Russia Zalina Kornilov, to 22.20 Moscow time no request from Edward Snowden to grant him political asylum in the Russian Federation to the Federal Migration Service has not arrived. Kornilov said that FMS would comment on the situation only if it receives an official request to that effect from Mr Snowden.

Valery Garbuzov, deputy director of the Institute of USA and Canada Studies, "Russia is trying in this situation to find some benefit for himself"

Earlier in the evening, Vladimir Putin has also not escaped the fate of Snowden during the International Forum of Gas Exporting Countries in the capital. Please take this opportunity, reporters asked the president about the "wiretapping".

- The fact that the Allies overhear each other - it is not our business. Let them doing what they want. This information from Mr. Snowden, as I understand it. This information statement attempts to listen to Russian official representative there. I do not exclude that this is possible. Such evidence we ourselves were once - Putin admitted, but did not elaborate. - In general, anyone over there who was eavesdropping on what grounds, we do not know reliably. US special services are global in nature and operate globally. They have their own and some departmental interests. Do lawyers have such a thing as "excess of the perpetrator." Entrusts someone to spy, and they eavesdrop, overhear you send while they peep. So let each other colleagues will understand who it is right and who is wrong, well, how to fight it.


During the summit, journalists are closely scrutinized in the foreign delegates. Do not take anyone of them under his wing is still located in the transit area of ​​the airport "Sheremetyevo" former CIA officer Edward Snowden.

- Do not think he will fly with someone of the delegates? - Asked Putin.

- Delegates ask! I'm about a possible departure Snowden with someone of the delegations did not know - snapped the President.

He also recalled that Snowden "is not our agent, our secret services with it never worked and do not work." And then, Putin allowed himself an unexpected comparison: "He (Snowden, - Ed.) Feels not the former employee of the security services, and a fighter for human rights, a new dissident, something like Sakharov, but maybe on a different scale, a fighter for human rights, for democracy. "

Then one of the journalists reminded Putin that Snowden is on the territory of Russia without papers (US revoked his passport).

- I have them (documents - Ed), he did not check! - Putin said. - Russia will never, anybody and never gives out and is not going to give out. And we never no one gave out! At best, we exchanged our employees of foreign intelligence on those who had been detained, arrested and sentenced by a court in Russia.

Thus Putin said that Snowden sooner or later still have to decide where to go.

- He - a free man, if he wants to leave and someone has to take - please. If he wants to stay here - there is one condition: he must stop his work aimed at to cause harm to our American partners. Strange as it may sound out of my mouth, - Putin has made it a condition. - But as he feels a human rights activist and a fighter for human rights, it seems, to stop such activities, he does not intend to. Therefore, it must choose the host country. When that happens, I unfortunately do not know! If I knew - I would say to you now.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times with reference to the Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday that Snowden Russian diplomats handed over 15 countries addressed a request for political asylum. Meeting with MFA employees Snowden allegedly took place at the airport "Sheremetyevo" and former tsrushnik took this step out of despair - after Ecuador began to doubt the appropriateness of granting him political asylum.


Nikolai Zlobin, an American political scientist and adviser to the US government:

- While there are conflicting data on whether the Snowden in response to his request granted political asylum in Russia. I think that Moscow do not have to. Yes, perhaps, from a humanitarian point of view, the motives of the former employee of US intelligence look attractive - "defected to the nations." But we must understand that he had betrayed the state, which swore. It is unlikely that Russia now that the Cold War is long over, is lifted to shield those who oppose the protection of the interests of the state. Yes, and the development of our bilateral relations, the story obviously does not help.

Scandalous website Wikileaks has published a list of 19 countries in which former CIA officer Edward Snowden had requested political asylum. Earlier media reported that Snowden has requested political asylum in Ecuador and Iceland. Thus, the total number of countries have received a request from former US intelligence officer, has reached 21.

Here is the list:

Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Germany, India, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, China, Cuba, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Russia, Finland, Germany, Switzerland and Ecuador (on).

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